


  • Technology: HTML5

  • Platforms: Browsers (desktop, mobile, tablet)​


Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping adventure as you scale treacherous mountain slopes in Descent on AntGames! In this exhilarating game, you'll take on the role of a daring mountain climber, navigating perilous descents while testing your reflexes and timing to the limit. With its intuitive controls, fast-paced gameplay, and challenging obstacles, Descent is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Tips to win:

  1. Practice precise timing to maximize coin collection and minimize encounters with obstacles.

  2. Push your limits and strive for the highest score, proving your mountain climbing prowess.

  3. Challenge your friends to Descent and see who can reign supreme on the mountain slopes.


How do I control the mountain climber in Descent?

Hold down your finger or the left mouse button to make the mountain climber jump away from the wall. Release to allow the character to descend freely.

What should I focus on while playing Descent?

Concentrate on timing your jumps accurately to collect as many coins as possible while avoiding deadly obstacles.

How can I challenge my friends in Descent?

Share your high scores with your friends and encourage them to play Descent to see who can achieve the highest score.