Corsa al rugby
Corsa al rugby
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Corsa al rugby

Rugby Rush è un gioco sportivo HTML5. Run the field and pass all the defenders to score the winning try! Collect power ups and bonus to become stroger and get more points!

Welcome to AntGames l'esaltante mondo di Rugby Rush, un gioco che porta l'azione e l'eccitazione del rugby direttamente sul tuo schermo. The game features an array of dynamic characters, each with their unique modes to choose from. The game also offers different maps, each providing a unique terrain and challenges that keep every match freh and interesting.

Winning Tips

Mastering the special move and timing your passes perfectly can be a game-changer. Sii sempre consapevole di ciò che ti circonda e sfrutta l'intero campo per confondere i tuoi avversari.


Qual è l'obiettivo di Rugby Rush?
The main objective of Rugby Rush is to score as many tries as possible by getting past the opponent's defence nd reaching their end zone.
Come posso migliorare le mie prestazioni in Rugby Rush?
Improving in Rugby Rush can be achieved by mastering the controls, understanding when to use special moves, an developing a keen sense of timing and positioning.

Topic which Corsa al rugby is included: