Unblock That
Unblock That
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Unblock That


Welcome to Unblock That, the simple yet addictive puzzle game available on AntGames! In this game, your objectve is clear: unblock the red block from the board by sliding the other wooden blocks out of its way. With four difficulty levels ranging from Beginner to Expert, there's a challenge suitable for players of all kill levels. Each level presents a new puzzle to solve, requiring you to think critically and plan your moves carefully. Débloquer cela n'est pas seulement divertissant, mais c'est aussi un excellent moyen de garder l'esprit vif et en bonne forme mentale au quotidien.. Are you ready to take on the challenge and become a master block unblocker on AntGames?

Conseils pour gagner :

  1. Start by analyzing the position of the red block and identifying the blocks that need to be moved to create a chemin d'apprentissage.
  2. Donnez la priorité aux blocs mobiles qui obstruent directement le chemin du bloc rouge pour minimiser les mouvements inutiles..
  3. Think ahead and plan your moves strategically to avoid getting stuck or creating dead ends.

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