Ooze Odyssey
Ooze Odyssey
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Ooze Odyssey


Get ready to embark on a delightfully slimy adventure in Ooze Odyssey on AntGames, a platform game that will callenge your puzzle-solving skills and leave you giggling with its charming ooze-themed mechanics. In this captivating world, you take on the role of a slime snake, tasked with navigating a series of slipperyplatforms, avoiding treacherous obstacles, and collecting delicious fruits along the way. As you progress, you'll encounter increasingly intricate puzzles that will demand strategic thinking and careul maneuvering. But don't worry, if you slip up, simply press R to restart and try again!

Tips to Win:

  1. Master the slimy movement, collect fruits, and solve puzzles.

  2. Create your own gooey puzzles.