Timber Guy
Timber Guy
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Timber Guy


Welcome to "Woodcutting Challenge" on AntGames! Test your woodcutting prowess in this thrilling game where sped and precision are key. Switch your position swiftly to avoid dangerous branches and keep chopping logs to earn the highest score. Unlock new characters as you hone your skills and aim for the prestigious golden woodcutter medal. Sind Sie bereit, Ihre Axt zu schwingen und die Herausforderung zu meistern?

Tips to Win:

  1. Bleiben Sie agil und wechseln Sie schnell die Position, um Ästen auszuweichen.
  2. Prioritize speed and accuracy to chop logs efficiently.
  3. Practice regularly to unlock new characters and aim for high scores in "Woodcutting Challenge" on AntGames.